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About DEEF

The most important objective of our company is the development of cooperation of companies, SMEs and associations in the Southern European region.  


When DEEF Nonprofit Ltd. was established, the primary goal was to develope the cooperation of businesses and organizations operating in the Southern European region. Basically ,the company has realized this aim with an 'INTERREG' project in the early 2000s and later as a leader partner in a HU-SRB program.


One effective means of cooperation is forming groups, which is the reason that DEEF has started building a cluster called DEKI (name comes from the first letters of the Hungarian words: Southern European Trade Development and Innovation).

Members of the cluster has the same export target region - countries of Southern Europe. Together, the companies that are members of the cluster organize exhibitonal participations all over the region.

DEKI Cluster


The objective of DEKI Cluster is maximal exploitation of facilities provided by form of a cluster: joining resources can have significant effects in marketing and trade. Whilst individual companies face difficulties by accessing foreign markets, being joined to a cluster using the opportunities of collective images even those companies can participate on fairs abroad who could not do it individually. The collective „umbrella” helps the new ones and stabilase the old members. Personal presence is not necesarry because anybody can represent the society and the society can represent anybody.

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